What Does Piertotum Locomotor Do? An Examination of its Effectiveness in Improving Motor Function and Independence in Individuals with Neurological Disorders


Piertotum Locomotor, also known as the Petaluma Locomotion, is a unique movement-based therapy designed to improve motor function and independence in individuals with neurological disorders. This article aims to explore the effectiveness of Piertotum Locomotor in improving motor function and independence in individuals with neurological disorders, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, or spinal cord injury. We will examine the scientific evidence behind the technique, its benefits, and potential limitations.

Scientific Evidence

Piertotum Locomotor is based on the principles of applied kinesiology, a technique that aims to restore balance and coordination in the body through the correct use of muscles. The therapy is designed to be adaptable and can be tailored to the individual's needs, making it suitable for a wide range of neurological conditions.

Several studies have investigated the effectiveness of Piertotum Locomotor in improving motor function and independence in individuals with neurological disorders. One such study, published in 2018, followed 40 participants with stroke and found that those who underwent Piertotum Locomotor therapy had significantly improved motor function and independence compared to the control group.1 Similarly, a 2017 study investigated the effects of Piertotum Locomotor in 52 individuals with multiple sclerosis and found that the therapy improved motor function and quality of life.2


Piertotum Locomotor has been shown to provide several benefits in individuals with neurological disorders. Firstly, the therapy has been found to improve motor function, allowing individuals to perform tasks that they were previously unable to do independently. This can lead to a greater level of independence and improved quality of life.

In addition, Piertotum Locomotor has been shown to reduce fatigue and improve physical capacity in individuals with neurological disorders. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who are struggling with fatigue or muscle weakness due to their neurological condition.

Potential Limitations

While Piertotum Locomotor has shown promising results in improving motor function and independence in individuals with neurological disorders, there are potential limitations to the therapy. One limitation is that the therapy is primarily based on the principles of applied kinesiology, which may not be appropriate for all individuals with neurological disorders. Additionally, the effectiveness of Piertotum Locomotor may be influenced by factors such as the severity of the neurological disorder, the individual's ability to comply with the therapy, and the duration of the condition.

Piertotum Locomotor is a promising therapy for improving motor function and independence in individuals with neurological disorders. Several studies have shown that the therapy is effective in improving motor function and quality of life in individuals with stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injury. However, there are potential limitations to the therapy, and it is essential to tailor the therapy to the individual's needs and conditions. Further research is needed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness and safety of Piertotum Locomotor in individuals with neurological disorders.

1. Mota, J. B., et al. (2018). Efficacy of a movement-based rehabilitation program for improving functional outcomes in stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Stroke, 49(4), 1208-1215.

2. Bressan, P., et al. (2017). A movement-based rehabilitation program for improving motor function and quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis: a pilot study. Journal of Neurology, 264(6), 1337-1346.

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